St. Paul's News
Published 10/31/2024

Let us Pray the Collect for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost

Almighty and merciful God, it is only by your gift that your faithful people offer you true and laudable service: Grant that we may run without stumbling to obtain your heavenly promises; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

NEWS Summary

  • Sunday's Worship Service at 10:00 in the main church this Sunday
  • Time change this Sunday - Fall Back an Hour!
  • Day of Change this Sunday - bring your spare change and dollars for charity!
  • Mon., 11/11 - Prayer Shawl Ministry Mtg
  • Thurs., 11/28 - Thanksgiving
  • September Financial Summary
  • November Birthdays
Saint Benedict and his missionary work, fresco in the church of St. Agatha in Schmerlenbach, Germany. By zatletic on Adobe Stock.

Upcoming Worship & Events

This Sunday at 10am — Holy Eucharist
with Fr. Christian Baron

Coffee Hour following 10am Worship

DAY OF CHANGE is this Sunday

Please remember to set your clock back one hour before going to bed Saturday night so you can be on-time for church on Sunday! This is also the day we collect loose change and other offerings in our plastic 'Change Barrel' to provide assistance to House of Bread in Dayton - serving lunch 365 days a year to those in need. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
LIONS Recycle for Sight ... and St. Paul's helps! Do you have old or extra eyeglasses you no longer use?  Please bring them to St. Paul's and deposit them in the Lions Club box in the Narthex. This will be an ongoing opportunity to help others! Thank you! 

Music at St. Paul's

The fall season is upon us and the sounds of singing surround St. Paul’s once again. The adult choir is back in full swing, rehearsing now on Sunday mornings following coffee hour. Please consider joining us. New faces are welcome at any point throughout the year. We are a friendly and inviting group and would love to make music with you. No prior experience or training is required. If you have any questions, please contact Director of Music, Cara Whitby, at 937-293-1154 or
We are looking forward to sharing not only the sounds of singing, but also flutes, trumpets, and handbells in the weeks leading up to the start of advent. Please mark your calendars, as you will not want to miss these musical offerings:
11/3: The All Saints’ Day liturgy will be a joyous musical experience, with former choir members joining us, along with trumpeter, Aaron Moen, and members of our handbell choir (music is made possible through special funding that day by the Magill family)
Blessings on all of you and may we raise our voices and spirits in song and thanksgiving to the Lord!

Boy Scout Association and Cub Scout Pack 101 Update

From Mike Miller, Junior Warden

A few years ago, Troop 101 ceased being a registered unit with BSA, and now Pack 101 is shutting down. It is with a heavy heart that due to declining participation within Cub Scout Pack 101 over the years, it was determined by Pack 101 leadership, in consultation with the BSA Miami Valley Council and the Chartered Organization Representative (me), that the most appropriate and beneficial course of action would be to transfer actively enrolled Pack 101 scouts to another local pack, Pack 151. That is happening right now with the annual rechartering process already underway.

The transferring of actively enrolled scouts from Pack 101 to Pack 151 occurred on July 12 of this year in preparation to execute a successful 2024-2025 scout program. To fully support the scouting program, the scouts that transferred, and the unit that accepted our cub scouts, the main objective of having a quality scouting program at Pack 151 has been achieved.

St. Paul’s, as the chartering organization, is now tasked with clearing out the scout hall with an effort to memorialize our church’s storied history with the BSA program. It is heartbreaking to me. Our long run is ending with BSA, and we want to see Pack 151 thrive. We are in the process of allocating all material possessions wanted by Pack 151 to them while determining what to do with the remaining items that are not transferred to them.

If you are interested in joining this work, please contact me, Mike Miller, about your interest in helping either cleaning or in discussion about a BSA memorial space in the former scout room.

 November birthdays!

Happy Birthday to those born in the month of November!

Steve Walters 11/02
Derek Leighner 11/07
Donn Kremmel 11/10
Otto Anderson 11/10
Julia Wheeler 11/14
Noah Leighner 11/15
Benjamin Miller 11/15
Kayla Anderson 11/23
Jeremiah Anderson 11/23
Pete Zorniger III 11/24
Linda Berutti 11/27
Constance Ordeman 11/28 

Church Financials

St Paul's Episcopal Church
Financial Executive Summary - September 2024
Provided by Randy Young

Total income including plate and pledge was $21K for the month of September vs budgeted $35K for a <$14.1K> unfavorable balance.
Expenses were 44.8.K actual vs $43.7 budgeted for a <$1.1K> unfavorable balance.
Total monthly expenses exceeded income by <$23.9K> unfavorable balance for the month.
Year to date income through September was $314.5K> vs YTD expenses of <$419.8K> for a YTD unfavorable balance of <$105.2> for period of 1st through 3rd quarters of 2024.
*(Amounts shown are rounded up or down to the nearest $100)

Summary: Income is expected to exceed expenses during the 4th quarter of 2024 as a large proportion of pledge income is normally received in the 4th quarter. September income was supplemented by usual and budget interest earnings we receive on a quarterly basis. Randy and Bob have begun work on the 2025 budget. They will be reviewing all contracts and subscriptions the church has obligations for and will give the Finance team a report of such at its next meeting in November.  
