St. Paul's News
Published 3/5/2025

Let us Pray the Collect for The First Sunday in Lent

Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan: Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptations; and, as you know the weaknesses of each of us, let each one find you mighty to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

NEWS Summary

  • Sunday's Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. in the main church this Sunday
  • Lenten Book Study
  • Serve as a Reader
  • Food Bank Donations
  • Lions Recycle For Sight and St. Paul's Helps!
  • Donations from Brookedale Oakwood
  • Lenten Series at Christ Church Dayton
  • Altar Flowers
  • Path to Paul’s

What’s Next?
The Vestry met with the Rev. Melanie Slane, transition minister for the diocese, on Tuesday, December 17 to begin discussions for the next steps forward in the life of St. Paul’s. From January 5-April 19, a team of local retired clergy, Jack Koepke, Mike Kreutzer and Greg Sammons, will rotate to preside on Sundays and provide pastoral care as needed. A schedule will be communicated soon, as well as any other related information.

Upcoming Worship & Events

This Sunday at 10am — Holy Eucharist

Coffee Hour following 10am Worship

Serve in Worship as a Reader

 Interested in being a lay reader? Scheduling for April, May and June is underway! If
you are not currently on the reader roster and would like to be added, email Dana
Cunningham at by Friday, March 28.

Food Bank Donations - Your efforts make a difference!

Please continue to fill yellow donation bags with food (no glass jars please) and personal care items and bring them to church to be blessed and delivered to the Food Bank.  If you'd like to see the difference being made (it is astounding!), please go to the Food Bank's website:    THANK YOU!

Lenten Series at Christ Church Dayton

Our friends at Christ Church in Dayton are extending the invitation to parishioners at St. Paul’s and other Episcopal churches in the area to join in their Wednesday evening Lent Series! The series is called & “Biblical Killjoys: Reading the Bible with Unhappy Women” and is led by one of their parishioners, Dr. Esther Brownsmith, an assistant professor of Hebrew Bible at the University of Dayton.

LIONS Recycle For Sight... and St. Paul's Helps!

Do you have old or extra eyeglasses you no longer use? Please bring them to St. Paul's and deposit them in the Lions Club box in the Narthex. This will be an ongoing opportunity to help others! Thank you!

Donations from Brookdale Oakwood

Brookdale Oakwood, your neighbor senior living community, would love to ensure the senior population (or anyone in need of assistive devices) in Oakwood is supported. Brookdale has items to donate for any congregants in need of them: Shower Chairs and Benches; Walkers; Wheelchairs; Miscellaneous Furniture. Please contact Jill Basom at 937-479-8248 with any questions or requests.

Lenten Book Study

Join us for the Lenten Book Study on Monday evenings! We will be reading Lent: The Season of Repentance and Renewal by Esau McCaulley. The book study will meet on Mondays from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. in the Cloister, and it will run from March 10 to April 7. Please email Lois at: or stop by the church office to pick up a book. A $15 donation is recommended.

Altar Flowers

Each week two flower arrangements adorn the altar.  They are provided through contributions, which are often donated as a memorial or thank offering for a loved one.  You will see these remembrances noted in the bulletin.  When there is not a designation, the flowers are offered to the Glory of God.  After the service, these arrangements are available to share with someone you know who may appreciate them. Mention this to the Altar Guild member listed in the Sunday bulletin if you are interested.  And of course, contributions are welcome at any time, too!

Path to Paul’s

This week we hear from Vestry Member Charlie Campbell on his journey to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church: 

We joined St. Paul’s in the early 1980’s. Molly and I lived in Oakwood and when our daughter Marion was three years old, we felt she should be baptized and start “going to church.” As a child I had been baptized, served as an acolyte, and confirmed as an Episcopalian. Since St. Paul’s was a few blocks from our house we met Rev. Bob Fenwick and became members. Marion and Annie, our other daughter, were baptized, went to the Sunday school classes, were in the junior choir, became acolytes, did the high school summer projects and were confirmed. My wife and I did the babysitting, the annual rummage sale, I was assigned to an usher team, and became a vestry member a couple of times. On Sunday at 9:30 am Molly and I would go to adult education and the children to their classes. The service was 10:30am and if there was a coffee hour afterwards we skipped doing that.On August 24, 2000 I had a major stroke and had to relearn how to communicate. After several months of therapy, I had a true “need” to go to church. Since the Sunday services were too big for me, I started the Wednesday 9:15am service. There was no music, no sermon, no offertory, and since maybe half a dozen would attend, I became a regular member there.After Rev. Jack Koepke was reassigned, I was active with the new full-time ministers, the interims and the substitutes. Rev. Dan McLain arrived and after the COVID isolation he asked me to be on the vestry. I then started going to the Sunday service.
