St. Paul's News
Published 7/18/2024

Let us Pray the Collect for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, you know our necessities before we ask and our ignorance in asking: Have compassion on our weakness, and mercifully give us those things which for our unworthiness we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask; through the worthiness of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

News in Brief

  • Sunday's Worship Service will take place in the Chapel
  • Backpack Drive for Charity Adams Earley Academy 
  • CityHeart seeking volunteers
  • Message from the Vestry
  • Vestry minutes from the June meeting
  • 7/24 July Movie Night - Henry Poole is Here
  • And more!
Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd
Courtesy of bernardojbp on Adobe Stock

Upcoming Worship & Events

This Sunday at 10am — Holy Eucharist (In-person in the Chapel)
with the Rev. Canon Michael Spencer.

Coffee Hour following 10am Worship

Weekday Morning Prayer, currently on summer hiatus for July, will return in August.

Note: While air conditioning challenges exist in the main church, Sunday morning worship will take place in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. 

From the Vestry - A Message on Communications

As shared in last week’s e-newsletter, Leon Chuck is stepping away from producing the weekly livestream of our 10am Sunday service. At its July 16 meeting, Vestry members expressed deep gratitude for Leon’s tireless dedication to this ministry over the last four (plus) years.

All of us understand that clear, consistent, and content-rich communication in both direct and indirect manners is critical to our success. Of the many items on the Vestry’s priority list is working to address our entire communication system’s effectiveness, including the recording/broadcasting of Sunday’s service as well as the need for a part-time staff member dedicated to church communication. Prayers and patience are asked for as we seek to meet this important need and find a way to continue recording and broadcasting our Sunday morning service.

Your Vestry

CityHeart is seeking new volunteers!

Music at St. Paul's 

From Music Director Cara Geerlings
CityHeart is committed to serving the urgent needs of the homeless, low-income and marginalized in our community. We are now recruiting a new class of direct service volunteers!

The primary responsibility of all CityHeart volunteers is to respect the dignity of our clients and offer a compassionate response to requests for assistance. Are YOU being called to serve?

If you are interested in learning more, please visit to Get Involved by completing a Volunteer Form or call 937-223-2489 ext.105 to speak with a representative.
The Estey organ has been getting a workout lately, as services have been temporarily moved from the sanctuary to the chapel for the short-term, foreseeable future. As your organist, I have personally enjoyed hearing your voices lifted heartily in song in this more intimate setting each Sunday. It fills my heart with love and pride to be the one to lead you in singing God’s praises each week.
We have welcomed special musicians to our services this summer: Lauren Geerlings on violin, Charlie Campbell on accordion, and most recently, Chris and Emily Trimble, providing vocal solos. This week, 7/21/24, we welcome Bill Campbell, singing a vocal solo by Beethoven. In August, I will sing a vocal solo, and we will hope to hear from other singers, as well. We have rearranged the narthex of the chapel to allow for more overflow seating and to make things as smooth and comfortable for everyone as possible.
Thank you all for your care and support of the music ministry at St. Paul’s. 
4 large, thick Primary Pencils (Kindergarten students)
2 packs of pencils
3 packs of 24 Crayons
1 pack of colored pencils
2 boxes of tissues
4 glue sticks
2 large erasers
4 dry erase markers
1 pair of scissors (blunt)
4 plastic 2-pocket folders
2 composition notebooks
1 pair of headphones or earbuds
1 highlighter
2 containers disinfecting wipes
1 3-ring binder (1 inch)
1 pack of Ziploc bags (gallon sized)
1 pack of Ziploc bags (sandwich sized)
Pencil box or bag
Backpack Pencil box or bag
Liquid hand sanitizer

A Word About The Charity Adams Earley Girls’ Academy Backpack Drive

by Verger Ron Brown-Gray

Last August, St. Paul's had a successful backpack drive for Charity Adams Earley Girls’ Academy, and we would like to repeat that success with another drive this year. The goal is for 30 or more students to receive a backpack containing the supplies recommended on the Dayton Public Schools supply list. Items can be dropped off in the Cloister or the Narthex. They will be delivered to the school in early August in time for the start of the 2024/2025 school year.

Not every family has the finances available to supply their child with the proper school equipment to succeed. Donations ensure that everyone in the classroom is equipped with the fundamental tools to thrive in school. When you donate necessary school supplies, you relieve many families of a financial stressor that influences how prepared their children are for curriculum.

Also, many public schools struggle to acquire necessary school resources with allocated state funding. Teachers often pull from their own pockets to maintain a fully functional classroom and meet all their students’ needs. Consider how a donation of backpacks and school supplies would help these young ladies. When you donate a backpack and supplies for the student, you alleviate financial pressure off of the families and even the teachers. The students are provided with the essential materials needed to learn.  A school supplies donation invests in their future by improving the resources available to students.

We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of supplies that these young ladies will need for the upcoming school year. In addition, we will also accept a suggested donation of  $40.00 to cover the costs and we will put together a Backpack for you (Checks should be payable to St. Paul’s with memo designated to “Backpacks.” Donations can also be made through the church app.)

You can buy a backpack and supplies just about anywhere (Walmart, Target, Meijer etc.). Please limit the cost for the backpack to $25.00 or less. The cuter, the better...unicorns, rainbows, butterflies, animals, girl superhero, etc.

July Movie Night

Wednesday, July 24
"Henry Poole Is Here" (2008) starring Luke Wilson is a reprisal of St. Paul's First Movie Night. This movie is a little known cinematic surprise that set the bar for future Movie Nights. Join us for an evening of entertainment and inspiration with dinner at 6:00 PM, movie at 6:30 and popcorn throughout.    

 July birthdays!

Happy Birthday to those with birthdays in the month of July!
This Sunday is birthday cake Sunday when we celebrate our July birthdays with cake during coffee hour.

Cameron Kwik 7/01
Jill Davis 7/05
Hazel Barrett 7/07
Kitty Grossmann 7/12
Nancy Welsh 7/15
Nanci Koepke 7/17
Samuel Miller 7/18
Terri Shampton 7/21
Deborah Bielecki 7/21
Steve Dankof Sr 7/22
Rick DaPrato Jr 7/24
Susan Mumford 7/26
Peter Whitby 7/27
Caitlin Lewis 7/28
Hailey Ivins 7/31

Church Financials

St Paul's Episcopal Church
Executive Summary - May 2024, Financials
Provided by Randy Young

Income was $61.3K for the month of May vs budgeted $28.2K* for a $33.1K favorable balance.
Summary:  May 2024 saw a brief departure from the deficit cash flows experienced during the previous 4 months. A good portion of this month's income was from a single pledge source. I have an asterisk next to the budgeted income to show that even with this budgeted income we were still facing a $129K annual deficit. Expenses were down slightly down from the budgeted amount for the month. This was in spite of our having a $4.5K clergy salary overage from still paying Fr. Dan and the addition of Fr. Christian's payment. To still come in under budget for total monthly expenses even with the additional salary expense is remarkable.
Year to date income through May 2024 is $205.8 vs budgeted $197.8 for a favorable balance of $8K
Year to date expenses through May 2024 is $246.2 for a YTD deficit of <$40.4K>


See This and Other News on the St. Paul's App

We are adding new information and features to the St. Paul's App almost every day! Use the handy QR codes below to navigate to the App Store of your choice (Apple on the Left, Adroid on the Right), and download our membership, communication, and media app. In the app, you can watch our livestream, chat with other members, see our directory (coming soon), sign up for events, and more!