St. Paul's News
updated 1/11/2024

Too long; Didn't Read (TL:DR) - News in Summary

Let us Pray: The Collect for the Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ's glory, that he may be known, worshipped, and obeyed to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Duccio di Buoninsegna (d. 1319), "The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew (c. 1308-11). Image courtesy National Gallery of Art, Samuel H. Kress Collection.

Upcoming Worship & Events

See the calendar below for a complete list of upcoming masses & events.
Sunday, 8:30am — Said Eucharist (Chapel of the Holy Spirit); 10am — Holy Eucharist, sung (the Nave, also online)*
*Coffee Hour in the Cloister at 9:15 & 11:15
Sunday, 5pm (every 2nd & 4th Sunday) — GROW! (in the Quire)✝
Monday-Friday, 9:30am — Morning Prayer (Chapel of the Holy Spirit & online)
Tuesday, noon — Holy Eucharist (Chapel of the Holy Spirit)**
1/25 — The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 7pm (the Nave)

✝A choir, also sometimes called quire, is the area of a church or cathedral that provides seating for the clergy and church choir.
**Please note that no one will be answering phones on Tuesdays from 12-1, but we will return all messages after the mass.

Women's Group, 1/29 6pm

New in 2024:  The Women’s Group is now forming and will plan to meet on the same evenings as the Men’s Group.  If you are interested, we will gather on Monday, January 29th, at 6pm, at Eudora brewing company.  No need to sign up or RSVP…just show up!  We hope to see many of you there!

Men's Group, 1/29 6pm

Join the men of St. Paul's for our semi-monthly gathering of food, fellowship, and frivolity! We'll be at Submarine House on Dorothy Lane in Kettering. Bring money for food and drink. And invite a friend or neighbor! Let us know you're coming by clicking below.

Movie Night, 1/24, 6pm

"Green Card" 1991 with Andie MacDowell and Gerard Depardieu. The story of two people who got married, met and then fell in love. Join us for dinner at 6:00 PM, movie at 6:30 and popcorn throughout.

Anglican Christmas Festival rewind

Were you part of the Anglican Christmas Festival? What went well? How can we improve?
As we hope, God willing, to host a Second Annual Anglican Christmas Festival in December 2024, we want to know what we can do so that our members and guests have the best possible experience with this event. Please come and share your thoughts and feelings - both positive and negative - about your experience with our first attempt so that we can plan a festival that will be truly rewarding for us all. Come to church on Jan 25 at 6pm for a conversation, and stay for our patronal feast immediately following at 7pm.

St. Paul's in the News

St. Paul's was featured in the December issue of The Living Church. Click below to read the article.

Nov. 2023 Financial Summary now available

Finance Chair, Bill Coffin, has written an executive summary of St. Paul's finances as of Nov. 2023. Click here to read it.

The Rest of the story

Consecration Choir

Sign up before Monday (1/15) to sing in the choir for the Consecration of Bishop-elect Kristin Uffelman White. Sign up here and read more about the event here.

Mutual Ministry End-of-year Meetings

As we approach our annual meeting in February, all ministry leaders are welcome and encouraged to have one-on-one meetings with Fr. Dan to review the state of their ministry and plans or the future. These meetings will focus on what went well, what was learned, what Fr. Dan can to support each ministry, and what goals each leader would like to set for 2024. Click the button below to schedule your meeting today.

Scouting Sunday 2/4 10am

We need you to come on Sunday 2/4 at 10am to show support and hospitality to Pack 101! And if you were a scout, we invite you to join the pack during the Passing of the Peace!

Ask a Priest Anything - Jan 28

Got Questions? Doubts? Hard questions about the Council of Nicaea in 325? Come to the Coffee Hour between morning masses at 9:15 for a time of conversation and fun with fellow parishioners and Fr. Dan. And consider submitting your questions in advance using the form below.
Help Fr. Dan prepare for our next Ask-A-Priest-anything between morning masses on Jan 28. Share your questions and wonderings in the form below.

Seniors With Grace
Mass & Brunch 1/25, 9:30am

St. Paul’s Seniors are a diverse, stimulating community of folks who are growing with grace. Let’s join up with one another and greet new faces and renew friendships. Everyone around 55 years or older is welcome. Our Renewed Senior Ministry will remain focused on physical and social community health. We will gather in person on the fourth Thursday of every month through May 2024. We will start with Morning Prayer & Eucharist w/ Healing Prayer, followed by a small brunch and fellowship. Please reach out to Verger & Worship Leader, Ron Brown-Gray at if you have questions and/or if you are in need of community support.

St. Paul's App

problems using the new app? wondering what is up with all these emails? 

Did you know that you can subscribe to different groups here at St. Paul's, like the Men's Group, through the new app?  Become part of ongoing conversations with your fellow parishioners! Signing up is easy. Log in to the app (make sure you've created a profile! — let Fr. Dan know if you're having a hard time with that), and click the discussion button in the top right hand corner (see the photos on the left). From there, click Discover and then scroll down until you find groups you're interested in. Click on the picture and click "Join". This process will work for any group that has open enrollment. Click here for a longer tutorial of this process.

Coming this Spring — Confirmation & Reception

According to the traditions of the Church, Confirmation is the sacrament in which we express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a Bishop. If you were baptized as a child, your parents and godparents made these promises on your behalf. As a young person or adult, you may be ready to affirm these promises for yourself and commit your life to following Jesus Christ.

Confirmation requires baptism and catechesis. Catechesis is not the simple memorization of facts. Rather, it is the beginning of a lifetime of immersion in the ways that Christians live, and move, and have their being.

Click the button below to let Fr. Dan know you're interested in Confirmation. Or if you were confirmed in another denomination, but would like to be received as an Episcopalian, click the button below and select the box for "Reception."


January Birthdays

Happy Birthday to our January birthdays!
Jacob Cairo - 01/02
Rick Ordeman - 01/04  
Chip Comer III - 01/04  
Bob Neben - 01/07  
Pat Harbert - 01/10
David Kelsey - 01/10  
Matt Diggs Jr - 01/11  
Charles Benedict - 01/11  
Shannon Walker - 01/13  
David Gonsior - 01/14  
William (Bill) Campbell - 01/18  
Kathleen Davis - 01/22  
Chris Saunders - 01/23  
Steve Ireland - 01/25  
Andy Lewis - 01/25        
Doug Campbell - 01/27
Emma Leighner - 01/30

Thank you...

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their pledge for financial support and their commitment to volunteer for 2024.

See This and Other News on the St. Paul's App

We are adding new information and features to the St. Paul's App almost every day! You can get the weekly eNews on the App this week or link to it from the email. Use the below handy QR codes to navigate to the App Store of your choice (Apple on the Left, Adroid on the Right), and download our new membership, communication, and media app. In the app, you can watch our livestream, chat with other members, see our directory (coming soon), sign up for events, and more!