The Canaanite Woman & the Prayer of Humble Access
Fr. Dan talks about this week's Gospel passage about the experience of great faith that we see between the Canaanite Woman and Jesus.
The Prayer of Humble Access is a really old prayer by Abp. Thomas Cranmer, showing up in the first Book of Common Prayer. It's a combination of scripture (Matthew 15 & John 6)), earlier liturgies from the East (St. Basil), and prayers & writing from the Latin West. A recent, contemporary language version of the prayer reads: "We a do not presume to come to your table, merciful Lord, trusting in our own goodness, but in your all-embracing love and mercy. We are not worthy even to gather up the crumbs under your table, but it is your nature always to have mercy. So feed us with the body and blood of Jesus Christ, your Son, that we may forever live in him and he in us. Amen."