St. Paul's News
Let us Pray: The Collect for the Last Sunday after the Epiphany
O God, who before the passion of your only-begotten Son revealed his glory upon the holy mountain: Grant to us that we, beholding by faith the light of his countenance, may be strengthened to bear our cross, and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
News in Brief
- Annual Meeting of the Congregation at 11:00 a.m., following the 10:00 a.m. worship service, in the Parish Hall on Sunday, February 11.
- Shrove Tuesday Celebration, Tuesday, February 13 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
- Ash Wednesday Worship, February 14, at Noon and 7:00 p.m.
- February birthdays
- Upcoming worship and events
- And more
Natalya Rusetska, Transfiguration (2013, egg tempera on wood). Rusetska is an iconographer and painting from Lviv, Ukraine. Her Transfiguration icon employs the classic stylistic arrangement of Jesus, enclosed by a large aureole, or halo, standing on the peak of the mountain, flanked by Moses and Elijah, each on their own peaks slightly below Jesus. Below Jesus are the three disciples who accompanied him: Peter, James, and John. Unlike the typical icon or painted depiction which would employ gold, however, Rusetska employs vivid colors of growth and movement; the mountain grass is verdant, the sky is a clear blue, and Peter is dressed in a striking orange. The scene is alive, drawing us into that moment when Peter was awestruck, and struck down, by the radiance of Christ.
Upcoming Worship & Events
Please note the following changes to worship times.
This Sunday, Feb. 11, 8:30am — Worship Service ante-communion with Deacon Otto (Chapel)
This Sunday, Feb. 11, 10am — Worship Service ante-communion with Deacon Otto (Nave, also online)
There will be no coffee hour this Sunday. The annual meeting of the congregation will be held at 11am in place of coffee hour.
Beginning February 18, there will be only one worship service on Sunday mornings at 10am followed by coffee hour. The 8:30am service will not be held.
For the time being we will offer one Eucharist service per month on the 3rd Sunday. The Rev. Canon Michael Spencer, Canon for Transitions & Congregational Ministry at the Diocese of Southern Ohio, will be our priest the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Tuesday & Friday, 9:30am — Morning Prayer (Chapel of the Holy Spirit & online)
The Tuesday Holy Eucharist at Noon is cancelled for the foreseeable future.
The Passion Meditation Choral Evensong, scheduled to replace GROW! on Sunday, February 25th is postponed until after Easter.
GROW! is now back on for Sunday, February 25. It will include dinner and formation and still begin at 5pm.
This Sunday, Feb. 11, 8:30am — Worship Service ante-communion with Deacon Otto (Chapel)
This Sunday, Feb. 11, 10am — Worship Service ante-communion with Deacon Otto (Nave, also online)
There will be no coffee hour this Sunday. The annual meeting of the congregation will be held at 11am in place of coffee hour.
Beginning February 18, there will be only one worship service on Sunday mornings at 10am followed by coffee hour. The 8:30am service will not be held.
For the time being we will offer one Eucharist service per month on the 3rd Sunday. The Rev. Canon Michael Spencer, Canon for Transitions & Congregational Ministry at the Diocese of Southern Ohio, will be our priest the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Tuesday & Friday, 9:30am — Morning Prayer (Chapel of the Holy Spirit & online)
The Tuesday Holy Eucharist at Noon is cancelled for the foreseeable future.
The Passion Meditation Choral Evensong, scheduled to replace GROW! on Sunday, February 25th is postponed until after Easter.
GROW! is now back on for Sunday, February 25. It will include dinner and formation and still begin at 5pm.
Ash Wednesday Worship
with Deacon Otto Anderson
Wednesday, Feb. 14
Noon and 7pm
with Deacon Otto Anderson
Wednesday, Feb. 14
Noon and 7pm
Annual Meeting of the Congregation this Sunday
Join us for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation this Sunday, Feb. 11, at 11:00 a.m., (in place of coffee hour), in the Parish Hall. All parishioners are invited to come. Members in good standing may vote at the meeting to elect our new vestry members. We will also have an update regarding the state of the Parish.
Shrove Tuesday, February 13
Come for a night of merriment, food, and fellowship as we prepare our hearts for the fast of Lent. It's the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 13. Bob Neben will be trading in his check signing pen and Leon Chuck will be trading his video equipment for a pair of flapjack flippers as they have done the past couple of years working the griddle. Many thanks to the rest of the team including Micky Neben, Linda and Mike Miller, Kathy and Michael Taylor, Kate Furmanski, Jay Woodhull and Paul Sampson for preparing the room, serving, and making the rest of the menu items: sausages, fruit, omelets and hashbrowns! Drinks will include coffee, orange juice, and white and chocolate milk.
Charlie Campbell will play the accordion for us while we enjoy a Mardis Gras frame of mind! Don't miss Shrove Tuesday as only St. Paul's can do it! Hope to see you there!
Charlie Campbell will play the accordion for us while we enjoy a Mardis Gras frame of mind! Don't miss Shrove Tuesday as only St. Paul's can do it! Hope to see you there!
February Movie Night
You've Got Mail (1998) Directed by Nora Ephron, starring Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Greg Kinnear and Parker Posey.
Remember your first computer? Remember connecting to the internet through your land-line telephone? Remember hearing that voice, "You've Got Mail?" Join us and reminisce with a good-old-fashioned love story on Thursday, February 22nd with dinner at 6:00 PM, movie at 6:30 and popcorn throughout.
Remember your first computer? Remember connecting to the internet through your land-line telephone? Remember hearing that voice, "You've Got Mail?" Join us and reminisce with a good-old-fashioned love story on Thursday, February 22nd with dinner at 6:00 PM, movie at 6:30 and popcorn throughout.
Consecration Of the Reverend Canon
Kristin Uffelman White
God willing and the people consenting, the Rev. Canon Kristin Uffelman White will be ordained and consecrated a bishop in the one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church and become the Tenth Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Ohio on Saturday, February 17, 2024, at 11:00 am. at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in the Short North Ballroom, located at 400 N. High Street in Columbus. The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, will serve as chief consecrator.
February Birthdays
Happy Birthday to our February birthdays!
Joan Tolles 2/04
Kevin Turner 2/08
Marg Anderson 2/09
Pam Carroll 2/10
Neil Ammer 2/10
Jon Sebaly 2/10
Samantha Benedict 2/11
Chuck Berry 2/12
Lyons, III Hamblen 2/14
Mary Ellen Foster 2/15
Don Prizler 2/17
Virginia Treese 2/19
Cheryl Strine 2/19
Nancy Diggs 2/22
Pam Browning 2/24
Joan Tolles 2/04
Kevin Turner 2/08
Marg Anderson 2/09
Pam Carroll 2/10
Neil Ammer 2/10
Jon Sebaly 2/10
Samantha Benedict 2/11
Chuck Berry 2/12
Lyons, III Hamblen 2/14
Mary Ellen Foster 2/15
Don Prizler 2/17
Virginia Treese 2/19
Cheryl Strine 2/19
Nancy Diggs 2/22
Pam Browning 2/24
Thank you...
Thank you to everyone who has sent in their pledge for financial support and their commitment to volunteer for 2024.
St. Paul's App
problems using the new app? wondering what is up with all these emails?
Did you know that you can subscribe to different groups here at St. Paul's, like the Men's Group, through the new app? Become part of ongoing conversations with your fellow parishioners! Signing up is easy. Log in to the app (make sure you've created a profile! — let Fr. Dan know if you're having a hard time with that), and click the discussion button in the top right hand corner (see the photos on the left). From there, click Discover and then scroll down until you find groups you're interested in. Click on the picture and click "Join". This process will work for any group that has open enrollment. Click here for a longer tutorial of this process.
See This and Other News on the St. Paul's App
We are adding new information and features to the St. Paul's App almost every day! You can get the weekly eNews on the App this week or link to it from the email. Use the below handy QR codes to navigate to the App Store of your choice (Apple on the Left, Adroid on the Right), and download our new membership, communication, and media app. In the app, you can watch our livestream, chat with other members, see our directory (coming soon), sign up for events, and more!