Advent Book Group, Mondays (Nov. 27-Dec 18) from 6-8PM

Our annual Advent Book Group returns in 2023 with Wes Hill's The Lord's Prayer: A Guide to Praying to Our Father (Lexham, 2019), a short but lively exploration of a prayer that I believe is central not only to our faith (as in our belief and practices) but our identity and life in Christ.

In 4 sessions, we'll discuss this lovely little book, accompanied perhaps by shared food and drink, as we prepare our hearts and minds for the annual celebration of the advent of Christ's incarnation and our expectant longing of Christ's return.  

We have 12 copies of this book (first come, first serve) that can be retrieved from Lois Smith in the Parish House.

Let us know you're coming by filling out the below form.

Thank you for signing up!